2022-2023 yearbooks are in! Your child should have received their yearbook by now. If not or if you have questions, please contact Mrs. Davis. 2023 graduates can pick up their yearbooks in the attendance office (Door #1 at Woodlan) beginning 08/23/2023. Enjoy!
over 1 year ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
Today 8/21/2023, East Allen County Schools is under a 2 hour delay. Buses will pick students up 2 hours later than their normal time. School will start 2 hours later than the normal start time. Students will be dismissed at their regular time. Thank you and have a nice day.
over 1 year ago, East Allen County Schools
Friday Night Football starts up this Friday and Woodlan will be offering the "Sweet" Seats again this year. See the attachment for more information.
over 1 year ago, Woodlan
2023 "Sweet" Seats
Members of our Unified Warriors team officially accepting the honor of being a Champions Together School. Great team and great honor!
over 1 year ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
Champions Together Team
Mr. Albertin's Marketing class working on a teamwork activity!
over 1 year ago, Woodlan
Teamwork 1
Teamwork 2
Teamwork 3
American Flag Drive
over 1 year ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
Flag Retirement
Woodlan was represented very well at the Anthony Wayne Rotary Luncheon.
over 1 year ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
Anthony Wayne Rotary Luncheon
Join us in celebrating Ms. Rodgers and Mr. Berkley for National Assistant Principals Week [April 3-7] and doing amazing work at Woodlan Jr/Sr High School. Thank you both for you dedication and support of all students and staff.
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Rodgers
Mr. Berkley
Collaborative St. Patrick's Day activity with the Woodlan 8th grade Algebra and 5th grade.
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan
Description of the activity.
Students hard at work!
Winners of the competition!
Mrs. Mull's third grade students presented their Young Authors books to Mrs. Singer's 10th grade English class.
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
Third grade presenting Young Author books to tenth grade.
Third grade presenting Young Author books to tenth grade.
Third grade presenting Young Author books to tenth grade.
Our physics students put their knowledge of collisions and impulses to the test in a supersized egg drop experiment. We had some successes but made some scrambled eggs too. Check it out in the video below! https://youtu.be/xn2uqk3oKLg
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan
Woodlan Physics 2023 Egg Drop
Woodlan student athletes being recognized at the EACS board meeting for fall academic all state achievements.
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
Academic All State Student Athletes
Ms. Shipley's class learned about compound interest for algebra using a project on buying a car!
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan
Ms. Shipley's Algebra Compound Interest Project
Ms. Shipley's Algebra Compound Interest Project
Check out the track highlights from the New Haven Invite this past weekend! https://youtu.be/8u0B54yiI5s
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan
Woodlan’s Algebra 1 classes are completing a cumulative project at the end of their statistics bundle. They had to choose simple questions, create a Google Form survey, collect data, then analyze, organize, and display their data in a slideshow. Ms. Shipley’s 8th grade class had a unique opportunity to meet up with Mrs. Price’s 5th grade class to collect this data. The top 4 projects were chosen to present their results to the 5th grade class!
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan
Ms. Shipley's Class
Mr. Stebing's students rocking the 2D art!
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan
Mr. Stebing's 2D art class!
Our US history Juniors were learning about the psychological conditioning uses of propaganda during WW2. As well as the different types, styles, and it’s lasting impact on American culture. Like Rosie the Riveter. They had to create their own recreation of WW2 propaganda and some students created Woodlan propaganda for extra credit.
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
In Physics, students are studying collisions and designed their own vehicle crumple zones to keep Barbie safe. Check out the recap video @ https://youtu.be/wPuamfhJw-c
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan
Physics 2-8-23
Attention students entering ninth grade in the fall of 2023. You are invited to a scheduling meeting on February 6, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Woodlan Jr/Sr High School
Future Freshman Scheduling Night